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May 31, 2009

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Backlinks , Google Pagerank and SEO

May 29, 2009

backlinks and pagerank
The backlinks are incoming links to your blog.
The google pagerank is the score of your blog.
For a higher pagerank your blog needs to have backlinks. The most important factor isn`t the quantity of backlinks , more important is the pagerank of each backlink. The anchor text is also important, the anchor text is a clickable text ,it`s need to be relevant to your page. As you see in the above picture , the page C has a high pagerank with a single backlink. The page E has a lot of backlinks but with small pageranks. There are 2 type of links: DoFollow and NoFollow links. The NoFollow links have no value in the eyes of search engines, only the DoFollow ones are counted as backlinks.
There are many ways to create backlinks , i will show you some of them:

1. You can buy the backlinks
There are many backlinks building services, they create backlinks for a fee. This is one of the fastest ways but this isn`t free.
2. Comment on other blogs
You can build backlinks by commenting on other blogs. Most blogs have a Name/URL option, put some relevant keywords as name and the adress of your blog as URL or simply leave your link in the text of the comment. Don`t spam , comment something whats relevant to the given post. You can use the Free Fast Blog Finder tool to find high PR blogs.
3. Be active on forums
Most of the forums are allowing signatures , leave your link in your signature. Be active on forums cause every post is a new backlink.
4. Blog directories
Submit your blog to blog directories like DMOZ or Yahoo Directory. You can select from free or payd directories , the result can be the sam at both , but at the paid directories you will be listed more faster.
5. Article Directories
Write quality posts and submit them to article directories like: Ezinearticles and Goarticles

These are the most popular and easiesr ways , but you can find other way too. eg: create a profile on social networks and share your links or use a backlink checker tools to see your competitors backlinks to get ideas.....If you have an idea please feel free to share it in a comment!
Don`t forget , the NoFollow links have no value!

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The meta description as the name tells is a short description of your posts, the meta description is supported by almost all major search engines, e.g.: Google , Yahoo , MSN....
If you google it probably you will found a code what is looking like this one:
<meta name='DESCRIPTION' content='A few words about the content of the page'/>
This is the basic code of a meta description but this is usually used for webpages not for blogs because this code will give the same description to every post of your blog. If we want to have a well SEO optimized blog we need to use different descriptions for each post. To use different description for every post complete the following steps:

1. Open the Layout panel and go to Edit HTML

2. Save your template by clicking on the Download full template button (to backup if something goes wrong)

3. Find the following code:
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
4. Add this code after the above code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://seo-tips-blogger.blogspot.com/2009/05/welcome-to-seo-tips-blogger.html"'>
<meta name='DESCRIPTION' content='Welcome to SEO Tips Blogger , my blog about search engine optimization tips and blogger template customization.'/></b:if>
5. Change the red marked url with the full url of your post.

6. Change the green marked text with the description of your post

7. Create a code like this for each post.

8. Save your template.

NOTE: Don`t use more than 150 characters in your description.
Add the code for a post and put the code for the next post directly after it. To add description to the main page change the red marked url with the homepage of your blog: e.g: http://seo-tips-blogger.blogspot.com/

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Welcome to SEO Tips Blogger

May 23, 2009

Have a blog , maybe with some good posts , but without readers ?
This is the problem of many bloggers. It`s important to have quality content , so the visitors will come back to see whats new , is forming a community and if you post regularly the visitors will come back regularly , too. But , first you need visitors who to come back... I will post a lot of tips and tutorials to gain traffic , money from adsense and how to customize your template.
  • The best traffic source are the Search Engines eg: Google , Yahoo , MSN ...seo
To gain traffic from the you need to make a good seo (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Another traffic sources are the blog directorias or social networks eg: DMOZ , Technorati , Twitter MySpace....blog directories
I will post about these traffic sources too , so if you want increase your traffic please subscribe to my feed and read my posts! Related tutorials: